Why Choose Ace?

Ace Title Services, Inc., provides you with the advantage of a competent and experienced team to guide you through the process.

  • We are focused on quality so that you receive the individualized service you deserve.
  • Our expert in-house real estate counsel manages each transaction. While Florida law prohibits a title company from offering legal advice or representing any party to a transaction, you have the knowledge of an experienced professional guiding the transaction.
  • Our principals have been in the industry since 1985. We are the pillar of stability.
  • Our title underwriter is Old Republic National Title Insurance Company with the highest consistent ratings in the industry.
  • We emphasize the details and thoroughly process each transaction to avoid unpleasant surprises at closing and after closing.
  • We are relentless about delivering excellent customer service.
  • Our dedicated receptionist will connect you with the appropriate professional.
  • Our superior quality and outstanding customer service are available to you at competitive pricing.
  • In addition to English, our knowledgeable and courteous staff speak Spanish and Greek.
  • We keep you informed throughout the process so that we can all work together towards the successful closing of your transaction.

Through the convenience of the internet, FedEx, and wire transfers, you do not need to be physically present for your closing. We can assist you with a "mailaway" closing from nearly any location in the world.


Phone: 954-522-1111

Fax: 954-728-9722


307 SE 14th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316